The plural of nouns ending with -ão is formed by:
1. changing the -ão
ending to -ões. This rule encompasses the majority of nouns
ending with -ão.
As a rule of thumb (and/or
when in doubt), change singular nouns ending with -ão to
-ões to form the plural:
a lição
= the lesson (f, sing.) — as lições = the lessons
(f, pl.)
o tubarão
= the shark (m, sing.) — os tubarões = the sharks
(m, pl.)
2. changing the -ão
ending to -ãos.
o irmão
= the brother (m, sing.) — os irmãos = the brothers
(m, pl.)
3. changing the -ão
ending to -ães. There are only very few nouns where this
is applicable.
o cão
= the dog (m, sing.) —
os cães = the dogs (m, pl.)