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This information is only provided as a service to our visitors. We cannot provide any advice regarding visas or any other consular matter. If you have any questions, please contact the specific Brazilian Embassy or Consulate having jurisdiction for your area of residence. Click on the location (below) where you reside to view the contact information for the specific embassy or consulate having jurisdiction for your state, California county or country. The jurisdiction of each office is listed together with its contact information.
_Click the specific state or country where you live for the Brazilian embassy or consulate that has jurisdiction:
Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | Australia | Bahamas | Bermuda | Southern Californiacheck specific counties | Northern Californiacheck specific counties | Canada | Colorado | Connecticut | Delaware | District of Columbia | England | Florida | Georgia | Great Britain | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Mexico | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New York | New Mexico | New Zealand | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Puerto Rico | Pennsylvania | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | United Kingdom | US Pacific Islands | US Virgin Islands | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | West Virginia | Washington | Wisconsin | Wyoming |

Brazil maintains a reciprocal visa policy whereby a visa is required by any citizen of any country requiring Brazilian citizens to obtain a visa. U.S., Canadian and Australian citizens require a visa for any type of travel. For a tourist visa, citizens of Great Britain and New Zealand do not require a visa. Visitors traveling from Great Britain and New Zealand for any other reason except tourism should check with the specific Brazilian Embassy or Consulate having jurisdiction.

Also see:
General Brazilian Visa Information
Brazil Travel Tips & Information
Brazilian Visa Form in .pdf format  or MS Word .doc format [in English]

Brazilian Embassy and Consulates in the United StatesBrazilian Embassy and Consulates in the United States
(click on city to see address, telephone web site link information as well as the specific jurisdiction of each)
BostonConsulate General of Brazil
ChicagoConsulate General of Brazil
HoustonConsulate General of Brazil
Los AngelesConsulate General of Brazil
MiamiConsulate General of Brazil
New YorkConsulate General of Brazil
San FranciscoConsulate General of Brazil
Washington, D.C.Brazilian Embassy

Brazilian Embassy and Consulate in CanadaBrazilian Embassy and Consulate in Canada
OttawaBrazilian Embassy
TorontoConsulate General of Brazil

Brazilian Embassy and Consulate in the UKBrazilian Embassy and Consulate in the UK
LondonBrazilian Embassy
LondonConsulate General of Brazil

Brazilian Embassy and Consulate in AustraliaBrazilian Embassy and Consulate in Australia
CanberraBrazilian Embassy
SydneyConsulate General of Brazil

Brazilian Embassy in New ZealandBrazilian Embassy in New Zealand
WellingtonBrazilian Embassy

Brazilian Embassy in MexicoBrazilian Embassy in Mexico
Mexico CityBrazilian Embassy


General Brazilian Visa Informationplease check with the Brazilian Embassy or Consulate having jurisdiction for your area for the most up-to-date requirements, information and instructions
Download Brazilian Visa Form in _.pdf format  or MS Word .doc format
To open, read and/or download the Brazilian Visa Form .pdf file above you need to have Adobe PDF Reader installed on your computer. Visit the Adobe web site for a free downloadable version of the Adobe PDF Reader.
Washington, D.C. 
Brazilian Embassy_Click to go to web site
3006 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC  20008-3634
(202) 238-2700
Fax: (202) 238-2827

Consular Service
3009 Whitehaven Street, N.W.
Washington, DC  20008-3634
(202) 238-2828
Fax: (202) 238-2818

Jurisdiction:_District of Columbia, Kentucky, Maryland, Ohio, Virginia and West Virginia

Consulate General of Brazil in Boston_Click to go to web site
The Stattler Building
20 Park Plaza, Suite 810
Boston, MA  02116 
(617) 542-4000
Fax: (617) 542-4318

Jurisdiction:_Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont

Consulate General of Brazil in Chicago (no web site)
401 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 3050
Chicago, IL 60611
(312) 464-0244
Fax: (312) 464-0299

Jurisdiction:_Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin

Consulate General of Brazil in Houston_Click to go to web site
1233 West Loop South,
Park Tower North, Suite 1150
Houston, TX  77027
(713) 961-3063/64/65
Fax: (713) 961-3070

Jurisdiction:_Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas

Los Angeles
Consulate General of Brazil In Los Angeles_Click to go to web site
8484 Willshire Blvd., Suite 730 / 711
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
Phone # (323) 651-2664
Fax: (323) 651-1274

Jurisdiction:_Arizona, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, U.S. Pacific Islands (Johnston, Midway, Wake, Howland, Jarvis, Baker, Palmyra & Kingman), California counties of Imperial, Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura

Consulate General of Brazil in Miami_Click to go to web site
80 SW 8th Street
26th Floor
Miami, FL 33130-3004
(305) 285 6200
Consular Fax: (305) 285 6229
Fax for information & forms: (305) 285 6259

Jurisdiction:_Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands and the Bahamas

New York
Consulate General of Brazil in New York_Click to go to web site
1185 Avenue of the Americas
21st Floor
New York, NY 10036-2601
(917) 777-7777
Fax: (212) 827-0225

Jurisdiction:_Connecticut, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Bermuda

San Francisco
Consulate General of Brazil in San Francisco_Click to go to web site
300 Montgomery Street, Suite 900
San Francisco, CA  94104 
(415) 981-8170 
Fax: (415) 981-3628

Jurisdiction:_Oregon, Washington, Alaska, and California counties of Alameda, Alpine, Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Colusa, Contra Costa, Del Norte, El Dorado, Fresno, Glenn, Humboldt, Inyo, Kings, Lake, Lassen, Ladera, Marin, Mariposa, Mendocino, Merced, Modoc, Mono, Monterey, Napa, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Sacramento, San Benedito, San Francisco, San Joaquin, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Shasta, Sierra, Siskyou, Solano, Sonoma, Stanislau, Sutter,Tehama, Trinity, Tulare, Tuolunme, Yolo and Yuma

Brazilian Embassy and Consulate in CanadaBrazilian Embassy and Consulate in Canada
Brazilian Embassy_Click to go to web site
450 Wilbrod Street
Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6M8
(613) 237-1090 or (613) 755-5160
Fax: (613) 237-6144

Consulate General of Brazil in Toronto_Click to go to web site
77 Bloor Street West
Suites 1109 and 1105
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1M2
(416) 922-2503
Fax. (416) 922-1832


Brazilian Embassy and Consulate in the UKBrazilian Embassy and Consulate in Great Britain
Brazilian Embassy_Click to go to web site
32 Green Street
London W1K 7AT
020 7399 9000
Fax: 020 7399 9100

Consulate General of Brazil in London_Click to go to web site
3 Vere Street [at Oxford Street]
London W1G 0DH
020 7659 1550
Fax: 020 7659 1554


Brazilian Embassy and Consulate in AustraliaBrazilian Embassy and Consulate in Australia
Brazilian Embassy_Click to go to web site
19 Forster Crescent
ACT 2600
61-2-6273-2372 / 61-2-6273-2373 / 61-2-6273-2374
Fax: 61-2-6273-7610 / 61-2-6273-2375
Consular Services E-mail:
Other Information E-mail:

Jurisdiction: [areas for consular purposes] Australian Capital Territory (ACT), Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia, Western Australia; Papua New Guinea; Vanuatu.

Consulate General of Brazil in Sydney_Click to go to web site
Level 17 / 31 Market Street
Sydney NSW 2000
(02) 9267 4414
Fax: (02) 9267 4419


Brazilian Embassy in New ZealandBrazilian Embassy in New Zealand
Brazilian Embassy_Click to go to web site
10 Brandon Street - Level 9
PO Box 5432
(64-4) 473 3516
Fax: (64-4) 473 3517
After hours: (64) 021 473 351


Brazilian Embassy in MexicoBrazilian Embassy in Mexico
Mexico City
Brazilian Embassy_Click to go to web site [only in Portuguese or Spanish]
Lope de Armendáriz No. 130 Lomas Virreyes
(Esq. con el número 906 de Bvd. de los Virreyes)
Hidalgo 11000
México, D.F.
Fax: 5520-4929
[When dialing either number from the U.S. or Canada, dial 011 52 55 before the number. From within México, dial 01 55 before the number.  Locally, dial the number as is.]


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