3rd Conjugation—Regular -IR Verbs     | Grammar Index |


(The Conditional is called the preterit future in Portuguese)

(SIMPLE): (I would/should break)

(Infinitive of verb partir+ ia/ias/ia/íamos/íeis/iam)

(eu) partir + ia = partiria = (I would/should break)

(p) (tu) partir+ ias = partirias = (thou would break)

(ele, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, a senhorita) partir + ia = partiria = (he/she/you would break)

(nós) partir+ íamos = partiríamos = (we would/should break)

(p) (vós) partir+ íeis = partiríeis = (ye would break)

(eles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras, as senhoritas) partir + iam = partiriam = (they would break)

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