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IMPERSONAL: dar = to give
[A Personal Infinitive (per se) is not present in English. In English, a Personal Infinitive is usually formed with the aid of the preposition for as in "He wished (for) me to give."
(eu) dar = "... (for) me to give."
(p) (tu) dar +es= dares = "... (for) thou to give."
(ele, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, a senhorita) dar = "... (for) him/her/you to give."
(nós) dar +mos= darmos = "... (for) us to give."
(p) (vós) dar +des= dardes = "... (for) ye to give."
(eles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras, as senhoritas) dar + em= darem = "... (for) them to give."
PARTICIPLES and GERUND: (given, giving)
PARTICIPLE (PARTICÍPIO) = dar - ar = d + ado = dado (given)
GERUND (GERÚNDIO) = dar - ar = d + ando = dando (giving)
(eu) dou = (I give)
(p) (tu) dás = (thou give)
(ele, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, a senhorita) dá = (he/she/you gives/give)
(nós) damos = (we give)
(p) (vós) dais = (ye give)
(eles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras, as senhoritas) dão = (they give)
IMPERFECT INDICATIVE: (I was giving, I used to give)
(eu) dar - ar= d + ava = dava = (I was giving, I used to give)
(p) (tu) dar -ar= d + avas = davas = (thou were giving, thou used to give)
(ele, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, a senhorita) dar - ar = d +ava= dava = (he/she/you was/were giving, he/she/you used to give)
(nós) dar - ar = d + ávamos = dávamos = (we were giving, we used to give)
(p) (vós) dar -ar= d + áveis = dáveis = (ye were giving, ye used to give)
(eles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras, as senhoritas) dar - ar = d + avam = davam = (they were giving, they used to give)
(eu) dei = (I gave)
(p) (tu) deste = (thou gave)
(ele, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, a senhorita) deu = (he/she/you gave)
(nós) demos = (we gave)
(p) (vós) destes = (ye gave)
(eles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras, as senhoritas) deram = (they gave)
(3rd person plural preterit indicative = deram - ram = de + ra/ras/ra/ramos/reis/ram)
(eu) deram - ram = de + ra = dera = (I had given)
(p) (tu) deram - ram = de + ras = deras = (thou had given)
(ele, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, a senhorita) deram - ram = de +ra= dera = (he/she/you had given)
(nós) deram - ram = de + ramos = déramos = (we had given)
(p) (vós) deram - ram = de + reis = déreis = (ye had given)
(eles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras, as senhoritas) deram - ram = de +ram = deram = (they had given)
(Infinitive of verb dar + ei/ás/á/emos/eis/ão)
(eu) dar + ei= darei = (I will/shall give)
(p) (tu) dar +ás= darás = (thou will give)
(ele, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, a senhorita) dar + á = dará = (he/she/you will give)
(nós) dar +emos= daremos = (we will/shall give)
(p) (vós) dar +eis= dareis = (ye will give)
(eles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras, as senhoritas) dar + ão = darão = (they will give)
(Present Indicative of the helping verb ir (to go) = vou/vais/vai/vamos/ides/vão + infinitive of verb dar)
(eu) vou dar = (I will/shall give)
(p) (tu) vais dar = (thou will give)
(ele, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, a senhorita) vai dar = (he/she/you will give)
(nós) vamos dar = (we will/shall give)
(p) (vós) ides dar = (ye will give)
(eles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras, as senhoritas) vão dar = (they will give)
PRESENT PERFECT INDICATIVE: (I have given, I have been giving)
(Present Indicative of the helping verb ter = to have + participle of verb dar = dado)
(eu) tenho dado = (I have given, I have been giving = eu tenho estado dando)
(p) (tu) tens dado = (thou have given, thou have been giving = tu tens estado dando)
(ele, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, a senhorita) tem dado = (he/she/you has/have given, he/she/you has/have been giving = ele, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, a senhorita tem estado dando)
(nós) temos dado = (we have given, we have been giving = nós temos estado dando)
(p) (vós) tendes dado = (ye have given, ye have been giving = vós tendes estado dando)
(eles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras, as senhoritas) têm dado = (they have given, they have been giving = eles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras, as senhoritas têm estado dando)
(Imperfect Indicative of the helping verb ter (to have) + participle of verb dar = dado)
(eu) tinha dado = (I had given)
(p) (tu) tinhas dado = (thou had given)
(ele, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, a senhorita) tinha dado = (he/she/you had given)
(nós) tínhamos dado = (we had given)
(p) (vós) tínheis dado = (ye had given)
(eles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras, as senhoritas) tinham dado = (they had given)
FUTURE PERFECT INDICATIVE: (I will/shall have given)
(Future Indicative of the helping verb ter = to have + participle of verb dar = dado)
(eu) terei dado = (I will/shall have given)
(p) (tu) terás dado = (thou will have given)
(ele, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, a senhorita) terá dado = (he/she/you will have given)
(nós) teremos dado = (we will/shall have given)
(p) (vós) tereis dado = (ye will have given)
(eles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras, as senhoritas) terão dado = (they will have given)
(The SUBJUNCTIVE occurs in the DEPENDENT CLAUSE of a sentence)
(eu) dê = (I may give)
(p) (tu) dês = (thou may give)
(ele, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, a senhorita) dê = (he/she/you may give)
(nós) demos = (we may give)
(p) (vós) deis = (ye may give)
(eles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras, as senhoritas) dêem = (they may give)
(3rd person plural preterit indicative = deram - ram = de + sse/sses/sse/ssemos/sseis/ssem)
(eu) deram - ram = de + sse = desse = (I might give)
(p) (tu) deram - ram = de + sses = desses = (thou might give)
(ele, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, a senhorita) deram - ram = de +sse = desse = (he/she/you might give)
(nós) deram - ram = e + ssemos = déssemos = (we might give)
(p) (vós) deram - ram = de + sseis = désseis = (ye might give)
(eles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras, as senhoritas) deram - ram = de + ssem = dessem = (they might give)
FUTURE SUBJUNCTIVE: NO DEFINITE FORM IN ENGLISH -- Present and Past Subjunctive and Conditional forms are employed to express Future Subjunctive (if I were to give, if I would/should give, if I may give, if I might give)
(3rd person plural preterit indicative = deram - ram = de + r/res/r/rmos/rdes/rem)
(eu) deram - ram = de + r = der = (if I were to give, if I would/should give, if I may give, if I might give)
(p) (tu) deram - ram = de + res = deres = (if thou were to give, if thou would give, if thou may give, if thou might give)
(ele, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, a senhorita) deram - ram = de +r = der = (if he/she/you were to give, if he/she/you would give, if he/she/you may give, if he/she/you might give)
(nós) deram - ram = de + rmos = dermos = (if we were to give, if we would/should give, if we may give, if we might give)
(p) (vós) deram - ram = de + rdes = derdes = (if ye were to give, if ye would give, if ye may give, if ye might give)
(eles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras, as senhoritas) deram - ram = de +rem = derem = (if they were to give, if they would give, if they may give, if they might give)
(The SUBJUNCTIVE occurs in the DEPENDENT CLAUSE of a sentence)
(Present Subjunctive of the helping verb ter = to have + participle of verb dar = dado)
(eu) tenha dado = (I may have given)
(p) (tu) tenhas dado = (thou may have given)
(ele, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, a senhorita) tenha dado = (he/she/you may have given)
(nós) tenhamos dado = (we may have given)
(p) (vós) tenhais dado = (ye may have given)
(eles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras, as senhoritas) tenham dado = (they may have given)
PLUPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE: (I might have given)
(Imperfect Subjunctive of the helping verb ter = to have + participle of verb dar = dado)
(eu) tivesse dado = (I might have given)
(p) (tu) tivesses dado = (thou might have given)
(ele, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, a senhorita) tivesse dado = (he/she/you might have given)
(nós) tivéssemos dado = (we might have given)
(p) (vós) tivésseis dado = (ye might have given)
(eles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras, as senhoritas) tivessem dado = (they might have given)
FUTURE PERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE: NO DEFINITE FORM IN ENGLISH -- Present and Past Subjunctive and Conditional forms are employed to express Future Subjunctive (if I were to give, if I would/should given, if I may have given, if I might have given)
(Future Subjunctive of the helping verb ter = to have + participle of verb dar = dado)
(eu) tiver dado = (if I were to give, if I would/should have given, if I may have given, if I might have given)
(p) (tu) tiveres dado = (if thou were to give, if thou would have given, if thou may have given, if thou might have given)
(ele, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, a senhorita) tiver dado = (if he/she/you were to give, if he/she/you would have given, if he/she/you may have given, if he/she/you might have given)
(nós) tivermos dado = (if we were to give, if we would/should have given, if we may have given, if we might have given)
(p) (vós) tiverdes dado = (if ye were to give, if ye would have given, if ye may given, if ye might given)
(eles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras, as senhoritas) tiverem dado = (if they were to give, if they would have given, if they may have given, if they might have given)
(The Conditional is called the preterit future in Portuguese)
(SIMPLE): (I would/should give)
(Infinitive of verb dar + ia/ias/ia/íamos/íeis/iam)
(eu) dar + ia= daria = (I would/should give)
(p) (tu) dar +ias= darias = (thou would give)
(ele, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, a senhorita) dar + ia = daria = (he/she/you would give)
(nós) dar +íamos= daríamos = (we would/should give)
(p) (vós) dar +íeis= daríeis = (ye would give)
(eles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras, as senhoritas) dar + iam = dariam = (they would give)
(COMPOUND): (I would/should have given)
(Simple Conditional of the helping verb ter = to have + participle of verb dar = dado)
(eu) teria dado = (I would/should have given)
(p) (tu) terias dado = (thou would have given)
(ele, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, a senhorita) teria dado = (he/she/you would have given)
(nós) teríamos dado = (we would/should have given)
(p) (vós) teríeis dado = (ye would have given)
(eles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras, as senhoritas) teriam dado = (they would have given)
AFFIRMATIVE FORM: (speak thou/you/we/ye/they)
(p) dá (tu)
dê (você, o senhor, a senhora, a senhorita)
demos (nós)
(p) dai (vós)
dêem (vocês, os senhores, as senhoras, as senhoritas)
NEGATIVE FORM: (don't give thou/you/we/ye/they)
(p) não dês (tu)
não dê (você, o senhor, a senhora, a senhorita)
não demos (nós)
(p) não deis (vós)
não dêem
os senhores, as senhoras, as senhoritas)