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IMPERSONAL: haver = to have
PERSONAL INFINITIVE: (me to have) (Regular in this form for verbs ending in -er)
[A Personal Infinitive (per se) is not present in English -- In English, a Personal Infinitive is usually formed with the aid of the preposition for as in "He wished (for) me to have."
(eu) haver = "... (for) me to have."
(p) (tu) haver +es= haveres = "... (for) thou to have."
(ele, (p) êle, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, (p) a senhorita) haver = "... (for) him/her/you to have."
(b) (nós) haver +mos = havermos = "... (for) him/her to have."
(p) (vós) haver +des = haverdes = "... (for) ye to have."
(eles, (p) êles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras (p) as senhoritas) haver +em = haverem = "... (for) them to have."
PRESENT: = havendo
PAST: = havido
(eu) hei = (I have)
(p) (tu) hás = (thou have)
(ele, (p) êle, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, (p) a senhorita) há = (he/she/you has/have)
(b) (nós) havemos = (we have)
(p) (vós) haveis = (ye have)
(eles, (p) êles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras (p) as senhoritas) hão = (they have)
IMPERFECT INDICATIVE: (I had, I used to have)
(eu) havia = (I had, I used to have)
(p) (tu) havias = (thou had, thou used to have)
(ele, (p) êle, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, (p) a senhorita) havia = (he/she/you had, he/she/you used to have)
(b) (nós) havíamos = (we had, we used to have)
(p) (vós) havíeis = (ye had, ye used to have)
(eles, (p) êles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras (p) as senhoritas) haviam = (they had, they used to have)
(eu) houve = (I had)
(p) (tu) houveste = (thou had)
(ele, (p) êle, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, (p) a senhorita) houve = (he/she/you had)
(b) (nós) houvemos = (we had)
(p) (vós) houvestes = (ye had)
(eles, (p) êles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras (p) as senhoritas) houveram = (they had)
(eu) houvera = (I had had)
(p) (tu) houveras = (thou had had)
(ele, (p) êle, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, (p) a senhorita) houvera = (he/she/you had had)
(b) (nós) houvéramos = (we had had)
(p) (vós) houvéreis = (ye had had)
(eles, (p) êles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras (p) as senhoritas) houveram = (they had had)
FUTURE INDICATIVE: (I will or shall have) (Regular in this form for verbs ending in -er)
(eu) haver - er= t + erei = haverei = (I will or shall have)
(p) (tu) haver -er= t + erás = haverás = (thou will or shall have)
(ele, (p) êle, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, (p) a senhorita) haver -er= t + erá = haverá = (he/she/you will or shall have)
(b) (nós) haver -er = t + eremos = haveremos = (we will or shall have)
(p) (vós) haver -er = t + ereis = havereis = (ye will or shall have)
(eles, (p) êles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras (p) as senhoritas) haver -er = t + erão = haverão = (they will or shall have)
tem havido = (with the impersonal meanings--there has been, there have been)
Past Perfect or Pluperfect Indicative:
tinha havido = (with the impersonal meaning--there had been)
Future Perfect Indicative:
terá havido = (with the impersonal meaning--there will have been)
Subjunctive Mood (Simple)
Present Subjunctive: (I may have)
(eu) haja = (I may have)
(p) (tu) hajas = (thou may have)
(ele, (p) êle, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, (p) a senhorita) haja = (he/she/you may have)
(b) (nós) hajamos = (we may have)
(p) (vós) hajais = (ye may have)
(eles, (p) êles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras (p) as senhoritas) hajam = (they may have)
Imperfect Subjunctive: (I might have)
(eu) houvesse = (I might have)
(p) (tu) hovesses = (thou might have)
(ele, (p) êle, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, (p) a senhorita) houvesse = (he/she/you might have)
(b) (nós) houvéssemos = (we might have)
(p) (vós) houvésseis = (ye might have)
(eles, (p) êles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras (p) as senhoritas) houvessem = (they might have)
Future Subjunctive: NO DEFINITE FORM IN ENGLISH -- Present and Past Subjunctive and Conditional forms are employed to express Future Subjunctive (if I were to have, if I should have, if I may have, if I might have)
(eu) houver = (if I were to have, if I should have, if I may have, if I might have)
(p) (tu) houveres = (if thou were to have, if thou should have, if thou may have, if thou might have)
(ele, (p) êle, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, (p) a senhorita) houver = (if he/she/you were to/should/may/might have)
(b) (nós) houvermos = (if we were to have, if we should have, if we may have, if we might have)
(p) (vós) houverdes = (if ye were to have, if ye should have, if ye may have, if ye might have)
(eles, (p) êles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras (p) as senhoritas) houverem = (if they were to have, if they should have, if they may have, if they might have
Subjunctive Mood (Compound)
Present Perfect Subjunctive
tenha havido = (with the impersonal meaning--there may have been)
Past Perfect or Pluperfect Subjunctive
tivesse havido = (with the impersonal meaning--there might have been)
Future Perfect Subjunctive NO DEFINITE FORM IN ENGLISH -- Present and Past Subjunctive and Conditional forms are employed to express Future Subjunctive
tiver havido = (with the impersonal meaning--there will have been)
(SIMPLE) (I would/should have) (Regular in this form for verbs ending in -er)
(eu) haver + ia= haveria = (I would/should have)
(p) (tu) haver +ias= haverias = (thou would/should have)
(ele, (p) êle, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, (p) a senhorita) haver +ia= haveria = (he/she/you would/should have)
(b) (nós) haver +íamos = haveríamos = (we would/should have)
(p) (vós) haver +íeis = haveríeis = (ye would/should have)
(eles, (p) êles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras (p) as senhoritas) haver +iam = haveriam = (they would/should have)
Conditional Perfect:
(eu) teria havido = (with the impersonal meaning--there would have been)
IMPERATIVE MOOD (have thou, have ye, have)
(p) (tu) há = (have ye)
(p) (vós) havei = (have ye)
(b) (você) há