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IMPERSONAL: trazer = to bring/to wear/to carry
PERSONAL INFINITIVE: (me to bring/wear/carry)
(Regular in this form for verbs ending in -er)
[A Personal Infinitive (per se) is not present in English -- in English, a Personal Infinitive is usually formed with the aid of the preposition for as in "He wished (for) me to bring/wear/carry."]
(eu) trazer = "... (for) me to bring/wear/carry."
(p) (tu) trazer +es= trazeres = "... (for) thou to bring/wear/carry."
(ele, (p) êle, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, (p) a senhorita) trazer = "... (for) him/her/you to bring/wear/carry."
(b) (nós) trazer +mos = trazermos = "... (for) we (us) to bring/wear/carry."
(p) (vós) trazer +des = trazerdes = "... (for) ye to bring/wear/carry."
(eles, (p) êles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras (p) as senhoritas) trazer + em = trazerem = "... (for) them to bring/wear/carry."
PARTICIPLES -- PAST, PRESENT: (bring/wear/carrying -- brought/wore/carried) (Regular in this form for verbs ending in -er)
PRESENT: = trazer - er = traz +endo = trazendo (bring/wear/carrying)
PAST: = trazer -er = traz +ido = trazido (brought/wore/carried)
PRESENT INDICATIVE: (I bring/wear/carry)
(eu) trago = (I bring/wear/carry)
(p) (tu) trazer -er= traz + es= trazes = (thou bring/wear/carry)
(ele, (p) êle, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, (p) a senhorita) traz= (he/she/you bring/wear/carry)
(b) (nós) trazer - er = traz + emos= trazemos = (we bring/wear/carry)
(p) (vós) trazer -er = traz +eis = trazeis = (ye bring/wear/carry)
(eles, (p) êles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras (p) as senhoritas) trazer -er = traz +em = trazem = (they bring/wear/carry)
IMPERFECT INDICATIVE: (I was bringing/wearing/carrying, I used to bring/wear/carry)
(Regular in this form for verbs ending in -er)
(eu) trazer - er= traz + ia = trazia = (I was bringing/wearing/carrying, I used to bring/wear/carry)
(p) (tu) trazer -er= traz + ias= trazias = (thou was bringing/wearing/carrying, thou used to bring/wear/carry)
(ele, (p) êle, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, (p) a senhorita) trazer -er= traz + ia= trazia = (he/she/you was/were bringing/wearing/carrying, he/she/you used to bring/wear/carry)
(b) (nós) trazer - er = traz + íamos= trazíamos = (we were bringing/wearing/carrying, we used to bring/wear/carry)
(p) (vós) trazer -er = traz +íeis = trazíeis = (ye were bringing/wearing/carrying, ye used to bring/wear/carry)
(eles, (p) êles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras (p) as senhoritas) trazer -er = traz +iam = traziam = (they were bringing/wearing/carrying, they used to bring/wear/carry)
PRETERIT INDICATIVE: (I brought/wore/carried)
(eu) trouxe = (I brought/wore/carried)
(p) (tu) trouxeste= (thou brought/wore/carried)
(ele, (p) êle, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, (p) a senhorita) trouxe= (he/she/you brought/wore/carried)
(b) (nós) trouxemos= (we brought/wore/carried)
(p) (vós) trouxestes= (ye brought/wore/carried)
(eles, (p) êles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras (p) as senhoritas) trouxeram= (they brought/wore/carried)
SIMPLE PLUPERFECT INDICATIVE: (I had brought/worn/carried)
(eu) trouxera = (I had brought/worn/carried)
(p) (tu) trouxeras= (thou had brought/worn/carried)
(ele, (p) êle, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, (p) a senhorita) trouxera= (he/she/you had brought/worn/carried)
(b) (nós) trouxéramos= (we had brought/worn/carried)
(p) (vós) trouxéreis= (ye had brought/worn/carried)
(eles, (p) êles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras (p) as senhoritas) trouxeram= (they had brought/worn/carried)
FUTURE INDICATIVE: (I will or shall bring/wear/carry)
(eu) trarei = (I will or shall bring/wear/carry)
(p) (tu) trarás= (thou will or shall bring/wear/carry)
(ele, (p) êle, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, (p) a senhorita) trará= (he/she/you will or shall bring/wear/carry)
(b) (nós) traremos= (we will or shall bring/wear/carry)
(p) (vós) trareis= (ye will or shall bring/wear/carry)
(eles, (p) êles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras (p) as senhoritas) trarão= (they will or shall bring/wear/carry)
PRESENT PERFECT INDICATIVE: (I have brought/worn/carried -- have been bringing/wearing/carrying) (Regular in this form for verbs ending in -er)
Spoken Form: (uses a conjugation of the irregular verb ter = to have to form the Present Perfect Indicative) (Regular in this form for verbs ending in -er)
(eu) trazer - er= traz + ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = tenho trazido (I have brought/worn/carried -- have been bringing/wearing/carrying to)
(p) (tu) trazer -er= traz + ido= trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = tens trazido (thou have brought/worn/carried -- have been bringing/wearing/carrying to)
(ele, (p) êle, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, (p) a senhorita) trazer -er= traz + ido= trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = tem trazido (he/she/you have brought/worn/carried -- have been bringing/wearing/carrying to)
(b) (nós) trazer - er = traz + ido= trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = temos trazido (we have brought/worn/carried -- have been bringing/wearing/carrying)
(p) (vós) trazer -er = traz +ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = tendes trazido (ye have brought/worn/carried -- have been bringing/wearing/carrying)
(eles, (p) êles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras (p) as senhoritas) trazer -er = traz +ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = têm trazido (they have brought/worn/carried -- have been bringing/wearing/carrying)
Written Form: (uses a conjugation of the irregular verb haver = to haveto form the Present Perfect Indicative) (Regular in this form for verbs ending in -er)
(eu) trazer - er= traz + ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = hei trazido (I have brought/worn/carried -- have been bringing/wearing/carrying)
(p) (tu) trazer - er = traz + ido= trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = hás trazido (thou have brought/worn/carried -- have been bringing/wearing/carrying)
(ele, (p) êle, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, (p) a senhorita) trazer -er= traz + ido= trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = há trazido (he/she/you have brought/worn/carried -- have been bringing/wearing/carrying)
(b) (nós) trazer - er = traz + ido= trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = havemos trazido (we have brought/worn/carried -- have been bringing/wearing/carrying)
(p) (vós) trazer - er = traz +ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = haveis trazido (ye have brought/worn/carried -- have been bringing/wearing/carrying)
(eles, (p) êles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras (p) as senhoritas) trazer -er = traz +ido= trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = hão trazido (they have brought/worn/carried -- have been bringing/wearing/carrying)
Past Perfect or Pluperfect Indicative: (I had brought/worn/carried) (Regular in this form for verbs ending in -er)
Spoken Form: (uses a conjugation of the irregular verb ter = to have to form the Past Perfect or Pluperfect Indicative) (Regular in this form for verbs ending in -er)
(eu) trazer - er= traz + ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = tinha trazido (I had brought/worn/carried)
(p) (tu) trazer -er= traz + ido= trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = tinhas trazido (thou had brought/worn/carried)
(ele, (p) êle, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, (p) a senhorita) trazer -er= traz +ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = tinha trazido (he/she/you had brought/worn/carried)
(b) (nós) trazer - er = traz + ido= trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = tínhamos trazido (we had brought/worn/carried)
(p) (vós) trazer - er = traz +ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = tínheis trazido (ye had brought/worn/carried)
(eles, (p) êles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras (p) as senhoritas) trazer -er = traz +ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = tinham trazido (they had brought/worn/carried)
Written Form: (uses a conjugation of the irregular verb haver = to have to form the Past Perfect or Pluperfect Indicative) (Regular in this form for verbs ending in -er)
(eu) trazer - er= traz + ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = havia trazido (I had brought/worn/carried)
(p) (tu) trazer -er= traz + ido= trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = havias trazido (thou had brought/worn/carried)
(ele, (p) êle, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, (p) a senhorita) trazer -er= traz +ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = havia trazido (he/she/you had brought/worn/carried)
(b) (nós) trazer - ir = traz +ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = havíamos trazido (we had brought/worn/carried)
(p) (vós) trazer -ir = traz +ido= trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = havíeis trazido (ye had brought/worn/carried)
(eles, (p) êles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras (p) as senhoritas) trazer -er = traz +ido= trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = haviam trazido (they had brought/worn/carried)
Future Perfect Indicative: (I will/shall have brought/wear/worn/carried) (Regular in this form for verbs ending in -er)
Spoken Form: (uses a conjugation of the irregular verb ter = to haveto form the Future Perfect Indicative) (Regular in this form for verbs ending in -er)
(eu) trazer - er= traz + ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = terei trazido (I will/shall have brought/wear/worn/carried)
(p) (tu) trazer -er= traz + ido= trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = terás trazido (thou will/shall have brought/wear/worn/carried)
(ele, (p) êle, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, (p) a senhorita) trazer -er= traz +ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = terá trazido (he/she/you will/shall have brought/wear/worn/carried)
(b) (nós) trazer - er = traz + ido= trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = teremos trazido (we will/shall have brought/wear/worn/carried)
(p) (vós) trazer -er = traz +ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = tereis trazido (ye will/shall have brought/wear/worn/carried)
(eles, (p) êles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras (p) as senhoritas) trazer -er = traz +ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = terão trazido (they will/shall have brought/wear/worn/carried)
Written Form: (uses a conjugation of the irregular verb haver = to have to form the Present Perfect Indicative) (Regular in this form for verbs ending in -er)
(eu) trazer - er= traz + ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = haverei trazido (I will/shall have brought/wear/worn/carried)
(p) (tu) trazer -er= traz + ido= trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = haverás trazido (thou will/shall have brought/wear/worn/carried)
(ele, (p) êle, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, (p) a senhorita) trazer -er= traz + ido= trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = haverá trazido (he/she/you will/shall have brought/wear/worn/carried)
(b) (nós) trazer - er = traz + ido= trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = haveremos trazido (we will, shall have brought/wear/worn/carried)
(p) (vós) trazer -er = traz +ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = havereis trazido (ye will/shall have brought/wear/worn/carried)
(eles, (p) êles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras (p) as senhoritas) trazer -er = traz +ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = haverão trazido (they will/shall have brought/wear/worn/carried)
Subjunctive Mood (Simple)
Present Subjunctive: (I may bring/wear/carry)
(eu) traga = (I may bring/wear/carry)
(p) (tu) tragas= (thou may bring/wear/carry)
(ele, (p) êle, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, (p) a senhorita) traga= (he/she/you may bring/wear/carry)
(b) (nós) tragamos= (we may bring/wear/carry)
(p) (vós) tragais= (ye may bring/wear/carry)
(eles, (p) êles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras (p) as senhoritas) tragam= (they may bring/wear/carry)
Imperfect Subjunctive: (I might bring/wear/carry)
(eu) trouxesse = (I might bring/wear/carry)
(p) (tu) trouxesses= (thou might bring/wear/carry)
(ele, (p) êle, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, (p) a senhorita) trouxesse= (he/she/you might bring/wear/carry)
(b) (nós) trouxéssemos= (we might bring/wear/carry)
(p) (vós) trouxésseis= (ye might bring/wear/carry)
(eles, (p) êles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras (p) as senhoritas) trouxessem= (they may bring/wear/carry)
Future Subjunctive: NO DEFINITE FORM IN ENGLISH -- Present and Past Subjunctive and Conditional forms are employed to express Future Subjunctive (if I were to bring/wear/carry, if I should bring/wear/carry, if I may bring/wear/carry, if I might bring/wear/carry)
(eu) trouxer = (if I were to bring/wear/carry, if I should bring/wear/carry, if I may bring/wear/carry, if I might bring/wear/carry)
(p) (tu) trouxeres= (if thou were to bring/wear/carry, if thou should bring/wear/carry, if thou may bring/wear/carry, if thou might bring/wear/carry)
(ele, (p) êle, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, (p) a senhorita) trouxer= (if he/she/you were to/should/may/might bring/wear/carry)
(b) (nós) trouxermos= (if we were to bring/wear/carry, if we should bring/wear/carry, if we may bring/wear/carry, if we might bring/wear/carry)
(p) (vós) trouxerdes= (if ye were to bring/wear/carry, if ye should bring/wear/carry, if ye may bring/wear/carry, if ye might bring/wear/carry)
(eles, (p) êles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras (p) as senhoritas) trouxerem= (if they were to bring/wear/carry, if they should bring/wear/carry, if they may bring/wear/carry, if they might bring/wear/carry
Subjunctive Mood (Compound)
Present Perfect Subjunctive (I may have brought/worn/carried) (Regular in this form for verbs ending in -er)
Spoken Form: (uses a conjugation of the irregular verb ter = to have to form the Present Perfect Subjunctive) (Regular in this form for verbs ending in -er)
(eu) trazer - er= traz + ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = tenha trazido (I may have brought/worn/carried)
(p) (tu) trazer - er = traz + ido= trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = tenhas trazido (thou may have brought/worn/carried)
(ele, (p) êle, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, (p) a senhorita) trazer -er= traz +ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = tenha trazido (he/she/you may have brought/worn/carried)
(b) (nós) trazer - er = traz + ido= trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = tenhamos trazido (we may have brought/worn/carried)
(p) (vós) trazer -er = traz +ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = tenhais trazido (ye may have brought/worn/carried)
(eles, (p) êles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras (p) as senhoritas) trazer -ar = traz +ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = tenham trazido (they may have brought/worn/carried)
Written Form: (uses a conjugation of the irregular verb haver = to have to form the Present Perfect Subjunctive) (Regular in this form for verbs ending in -er)
(eu) trazer - er= traz + ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = haja trazido (I may have brought/worn/carried)
(p) (tu) trazer - er = traz + ido= trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = hajas trazido (thou may have brought/worn/carried)
(ele, (p) êle, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, (p) a senhorita) trazer -er= traz + ido= trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = haja trazido (he/she/you may have brought/worn/carried)
(b) (nós) trazer - er = traz + ido= trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = hajamos trazido (we may have brought/worn/carried)
(p) (vós) trazer -er = traz +ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = hajais trazido (ye may have brought/worn/carried)
(eles, (p) êles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras (p) as senhoritas) trazer -er = traz +ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = hajam trazido (they may have brought/worn/carried)
Past Perfect or Pluperfect Subjunctive (I might have brought/worn/carried) (Regular in this form for verbs ending in -er)
Spoken Form: (uses a conjugation of the irregular verb ter = to have to form the Past Perfect or Pluperfect Subjunctive) (Regular in this form for verbs ending in -er)
(eu) trazer - er= traz + ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = tivesse trazido (I might have brought/worn/carried)
(p) (tu) trazer -er= traz + ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = tivesses trazido (thou might have brought/worn/carried)
(ele, (p) êle, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, (p) a senhorita) trazer -er= traz + ido= trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = tivesse trazido (he/she/you might have brought/worn/carried)
(b) (nós) trazer - er = traz + ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = tivéssemos trazido (we might have brought/worn/carried)
(p) (vós) trazer -er = traz +ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = tivésseis trazido (ye might have brought/worn/carried)
(eles, (p) êles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras (p) as senhoritas) trazer - er = traz +ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = tivessem trazido (they might have brought/worn/carried)
Written Form: (uses a conjugation of the irregular verb haver = to have to form the Past Perfect or Pluperfect Subjunctive) (Regular in this form for verbs ending in -er)
(eu) trazer - er= traz + ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = houvesse trazido (I might have brought/worn/carried)
(p) (tu) trazer -er= traz + ido= trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = houvesses trazido (thou might have brought/worn/carried)
(ele, (p) êle, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, (p) a senhorita) trazer -er= traz ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = houvesse trazido (he/she/you might have brought/worn/carried)
(b) (nós) trazer - er = traz +ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = houvéssemos trazido (we might have brought/worn/carried)
(p) (vós) trazer -er = traz +ido= trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = houvésseis trazido (ye might have brought/worn/carried)
(eles, (p) êles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras (p) as senhoritas) trazer -ar = traz +ado= trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = houvessem trazido (they might have brought/worn/carried)
Future Perfect Subjunctive NO DEFINITE FORM IN ENGLISH -- Present and Past Subjunctive and Conditional forms are employed to express Future Subjunctive (if I were to bring/wear/carry, if I should bring/wear/carry, if I may bring/wear/carry, if I might bring/wear/carry) (Regular in this form for verbs ending in -er)
Spoken Form: (uses a conjugation of the irregular verb ter = to haveto form the Future Perfect Subjunctive) (Regular in this form for verbs ending in -er)
(eu) trazer - er= traz + ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = tiver trazido (if I were to bring/wear/carry, if I should bring/wear/carry, if I may bring/wear/carry, if I might bring/wear/carry)
(p) (tu) trazer -er= traz + ido= trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = tiveres trazido (if thou were to bring/wear/carry, if thou should bring/wear/carry, if thou may bring/wear/carry, if thou might bring/wear/carry)
(ele, (p) êle, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, (p) a senhorita) trazer -er= traz + ido= trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = tiver trazido (if he/she/you were to bring/wear/carry/should bring/wear/carry/may bring/wear/carry/might bring/wear/carry)
(b) (nós) trazer - er = traz + ido= trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = tivermos trazido (if we were to bring/wear/carry, if we should bring/wear/carry, if we may bring/wear/carry, if we might bring/wear/carry)
(p) (vós) trazer -er = traz +ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = tiverdes trazido (if ye were to bring/wear/carry, if ye should bring/wear/carry, if ye may bring/wear/carry, if ye might bring/wear/carry)
(eles, (p) êles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras (p) as senhoritas) trazer -er = traz +ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = tiverem trazido (if they were to bring/wear/carry, if they should bring/wear/carry, if they may bring/wear/carry, if they might bring/wear/carry)
Written Form: (uses a conjugation of the irregular verb haver = to have to form the Future Perfect or Pluperfect Subjunctive) (Regular in this form for verbs ending in -er)
(eu) trazer - er= traz + ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = houver trazido (if I were to bring/wear/carry, if I should bring/wear/carry, if I may bring/wear/carry, if I might bring/wear/carry)
(p) (tu) trazer -er= traz + ido= trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = houveres trazido (if thou were to bring/wear/carry, if thou should bring/wear/carry, if thou may bring/wear/carry, if thou might bring/wear/carry)
(ele, (p) êle, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, (p) a senhorita) trazer -er= traz + ido= trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = houver trazido (if he/she/you were to bring/wear/carry/should bring/wear/carry/may bring/wear/carry/might bring/wear/carry)
(b) (nós) trazer - er = traz + ido= trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = houvermos trazido (if we were to bring/wear/carry, if we should bring/wear/carry, if we may bring/wear/carry, if we might bring/wear/carry)
(p) (vós) trazer -er = traz +ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = houverdes trazido (if ye were to bring/wear/carry, if ye should bring/wear/carry, if ye may bring/wear/carry, if ye might bring/wear/carry)
(eles, (p) êles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras (p) as senhoritas) trazer - er = traz +ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = houverem trazido (if they were to bring/wear/carry, if they should bring/wear/carry, if they may bring/wear/carry, if they might bring/wear/carry)
(SIMPLE) (I would/should bring/wear/carry)
(eu) traria = (I would/should bring/wear/carry)
(p) (tu) trarias= (thou would/should bring/wear/carry)
(ele, (p) êle, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, (p) a senhorita) traria= (he/she/you would/should bring/wear/carry)
(b) (nós) traríamos= (we would/should bring/wear/carry)
(p) (vós) traríeis= (ye would/should bring/wear/carry)
(eles, (p) êles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras (p) as senhoritas) trariam= (they would/should bring/wear/carry)
Conditional Perfect: (I would bring/wear/carry -- should have brought/worn/carried) (Regular in this form for verbs ending in -er)
Spoken Form: (uses a conjugation of the irregular verb ter = to have to form the Compound Conditional Perfect) (Regular in this form for verbs ending in -er)
(eu) trazer - er= traz + ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = teria trazido (I would bring/wear/carry -- should have brought/worn/carried)
(p) (tu) trazer - er = traz + ido= trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = terias trazido (thou would bring/wear/carry -- should have brought/worn/carried)
(ele, (p) êle, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, (p) a senhorita) trazer -er= traz +ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = teria trazido (he/she/you would bring/wear/carry -- should have brought/worn/carried)
(b) (nós) trazer - er = traz + ido= trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = teríamos trazido (we would bring/wear/carry -- should have brought/worn/carried)
(p) (vós) trazer -er = traz +ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = teríeis trazido (ye would bring/wear/carry -- should have brought/worn/carried)
(eles, (p) êles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras (p) as senhoritas) trazer -er = traz +ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb ter) = teriam trazido (they would bring/wear/carry -- should have brought/worn/carried)
Written Form: (uses a conjugation of the irregular verb haver = to have to form the Compound Conditional Perfect) (Regular in the form)
(eu) trazer - er= traz + ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = haveria trazido (I would bring/wear/carry -- should have brought/worn/carried)
(p) (tu) trazer - er = traz + ido= trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = haverias trazido (thou would bring/wear/carry -- should have brought/worn/carried)
(ele, (p) êle, ela, você, o senhor, a senhora, (p) a senhorita) trazer -er= traz + ido= trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = haveria trazido (he/she/you would bring/wear/carry -- should have brought/worn/carried)
(b) (nós) trazer - er = traz + ido= trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = haveríamos trazido (we would bring/wear/carry -- should have brought/worn/carried)
(p) (vós) trazer -er = traz +ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = haveríes trazido (ye would bring/wear/carry -- should have brought/worn/carried)
(eles, (p) êles, elas, vocês, os senhores, as senhoras (p) as senhoritas) trazer -er = traz +ido = trazido + (conjugation of the verb haver) = haveriam trazido (they would bring/wear/carry -- should have brought/worn/carried)
IMPERATIVE MOOD (bring/wear/carry thou, bring/wear/carry ye, bring/wear/carry)
(Regular in this form for verbs ending in -er)
(p) (tu) trazer - er = traz +e = traze = (bring/wear/carry thou)
(p) (vós) trazer -er = traz +ei= trazei = (bring/wear/carry ye)
(b) (você) traga
você = (bring/wear/carry)